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Клапан для опорожнения ST series со сферическим золотником электрический спускной


High Quality Energy Saving Count Motorized Ball Valve Zero Air Loss Condensate Drainage.r
5 featuresr
1. Drainage 1/2”Φ: straight channel, iron fillings drain our easilyr
2. Zero air loss: energy saving = saving moneyr
3. Super design: maximum drain volume, Long life span, (Exclusive!) Motorized ball valver
4. Safe and Reliable: with remote montor and dry contact, additional odometer function availabler
5. Cost saving: no diaphragm cost, almost free maintenancer
Super Trap has been launched for more than 10 years. In addition to being affirmed and loved by many well-known companies in Taiwan, they are also exported to 16 countries, including Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Japan, Dubai, Turkey, Germany and UK, etc.



ST series


Super Air Compressor Technology Co., Ltd.